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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

Reinforced Concrete Structures

The technology of reinforced concrete monolithic structures has a long history in the companyAvailable from experience, strong technical background in the form of its own formwork rental, carpenter's shop, including the production of wooden trusses and reinforcements. But the greatest asset is the stable, responsible and time-tested team of experienced technicians and workers.

We work with the best experts in the field from a range of designers and structural engineers of reinforced concrete structures, formwork specialists, material suppliers and concrete mix manufacturers.

In cooperation with our subsidiary TBG Metrostav, we develop and apply new materials in the implementation of buildings with a focus on improving the properties of reinforced concrete structures, material savings and the use of secondary raw materials.

In addition to the construction of the Prague metro and the Blanka traffic tunnel we specialize in the supply of monolithic structures in all segments of construction, especially civil, waterworks, industrial and residential buildings. We have experience in the implementation of visual and architectural concretes and the construction of waterproof concrete structures. We use only proven PERI and  DOKA formwork systems on our construction sites.


Average Annual Performance of Technology for 2015

This Technology Has Been Successfully Used in the Following Projects

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