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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

Steel Structures

Within the technology of production and assembly of steel structures, we provide comprehensive services, from the preparation of production documentation through the actual production and corrosion protection, to the delivery of sub-assemblies to construction sites and their assembly.

Our production plant with a total annual capacity of approx. 5,500 t has well-equipped production halls, where it is possible to assemble steel parts up to 80 m and individual parts up to 40 m. It is equipped with bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 25 tonnes, which can be coupled up to a lifting capacity of 50 tonnes, and a surface treatment area of 5 x 40 m. Production technologies include, among others, continuous blasting, plasma and oxygen flame cutting, material cutting with a band saw and welding with methods 111, 121, 135, 136 and 783.

The Operation is Mainly Focused on:

  • Road and railway bridges (steel, coupled)

  • Pipeline bridges

  • High-capacity stable tank systems

  • Reconstruction of power units

  • Large-scale roof structures

  • Large-area halls

  • Construction of technological industrial equipment including the assembly of technology

  • Technological piping distribution


Production Options of Operation:

Quality Control (non-destructive)

  • Ultrasonic tests

  • Magnetic tests

  • Penetration tests

Production Preparation

  • Continuous blasting

  • Cutting of metallurgical material (burning, cutting, machining, shearing, forming)

Production Halls

  • 2 halls 18m × 80m

    Capacity 5.500 tonnes/year

Surface Finishes

  • Shot blasting - manual steel shot blasting

  • Coatings

  • Metallization

This Technology Has Been Successfully Used in the Following Projects

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