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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

Career Paths

It is a great experience to participate in a project where you bring to life the ideas of an investor drawn on paper. Most Metrostav executives have cut their teeth on these very construction projects. That is why we will introduce you to the organizational structure and work positions of a typical construction project.

Whether you choose to work on or outside the project, all of the acquired knowledge and skill will take you further in your professional career. With Metrostav, you have a chance to succeed. We will support you to show what you’ve got.

  • Project

    • Planning

      • Technician

    • Project

    • Site

      • Foreman

        • Ganger

          • Workers

        • Workers

      • Technician

Most frequently occupied jobs in Metrostav

Planning engineer - pre-planning

The task of the planning engineer is to prepare the construction order at the bid stage. In order to do this, the planning engineer needs to study the setting conditions, design documents and assess the local conditions of the site. He/she is responsible for the elaboration of the process and the construction technology, the schedule for construction and the determination of the supply system of the order. The planning engineer prepares the offer and documentation for competitions and tenders. The success of Metrostav’s business depends on good work by the planning engineer.


The foreman manages and checks the work of both direct subordinates and the work of subcontractors and coordinates them. The foreman is responsible for meeting the schedule and the course of construction work and for the management of the specified part of the construction according to the design documents. He/she plans deployment of machines, claims and provides materials and services on site. The foreman insists on continuous quality control of the works carried out and participates in the handing over of the completed building or a part thereof to the investor. The job of foremen is mainly to check whether the individual craftsmen do their job well.

Project economist

The economist of the project is responsible for monitoring the economic aspects during construction, communication with contractors and fulfillment of contractual relationships. The economist processes regular information on the status of the project, including monthly economy results. He/she checks incoming invoices and issues documents for revenue invoices. The economist keeps records of material orders, contracts, invoices, cashier receipts and expense documents, internal documents and correspondence. In cooperation with the project manager and all site engineers, he/she strives to achieve the planned economic result of the project.

Planning engineer - Planning

The planning engineer of planning takes over the construction order when Metrostav obtains it. He/she cooperates on the preparation of the course schedule of the entire construction order, provides the work design, including consultations with the designer, divides the building parts into technological units and sets the interface between individual building supplies. Thus, the planning engineer is involved in the overall coordination of work with the designer, architect and contractors. Together with the implementation team, the planning engineer’s most important task is to execute the construction order at a given time, quality and costs.

Site engineer

The site engineer manages the construction, monitors and evaluates the fulfillment of the schedule and the course of the construction order. He/she is responsible for taking over the specified part of the design documents, studying and discussing it. The site engineer is in constant working contact with the technical supervision of the investor, with the architect’s supervision of the general designer and with the state authorities. He/she insists on continuous quality control of the implementation of the entire construction order and is responsible for handing over of the completed building or a part thereof to the investor. The site engineer in the role of project manager is the lead person who is responsible for the outcome of the construction order.

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