Students and Graduates
Gain practical experience in a company that works on technically complex and unique projects.
At Metrostav you can learn from the best. We work with young talents, whether students or graduates right after leaving school.
Employment Opportunities
If you have not found a suitable position for you, but are still interested in working with us, you can submit your contact information to our database. As soon as we find a position that matches your requirements and qualifications, we will contact you.

Students are offered
Full professional experience.
Regular employment with all its benefits.
Working hours according to mutual agreement, most often for 2–3 days a week.
Consultation on a master’s degree or bachelor thesis and its focus on a specific topic within the activities of Metrostav.
Graduates are offered
Work on projects in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Space for creativity and technical innovation.
A personal patron and individual adaptation plan.
Opportunity for professional growth. Most of the members of top management started at Metrostav as graduates.
Past Events and Activities
Events we prepared in the past for schools and their students.
School and Faculty Cooperation
We are proud of following cooperation
Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU
Faculty of Civil engineering BUT
Faculty of Civil Engineering TUO
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU
Secondary industrial Schools
Secondary School of Civil Engineering J. Gočár, Prague
Technical Institute and High Vocational School Dušní