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- Pilsen junction, 2nd construction - reconstruction of the passenger train station, including the Mikulášská bridges
Pilsen junction, 2nd construction - reconstruction of the passenger train station, including the Mikulášská bridges
The aim of the project was to rebuild the railway junction to a state that corresponds to its importance and the current requirements for a competitive railway transport.
Basic information
Project Investor:
Správa železniční dopravní cesty, státní organizace
Project Designer:
SUDOP Praha a.s.
Project Duration:
12/2016 – 12/2019

Reconstruction of the Pilsen main railway station, including the railway bridges over Mikulášská Street and related reconstruction of Mikulášská Street, railway superstructure and substructure, new platforms with off-level accesses, new track drainage. The project also included a reconstruction of the existing platform roofing, rehabilitation of the retaining walls and extension of the passenger underpass.
The Project in Numbers
- 5 594 mNewly laid tracks
- 5 ksrailway bridges
- 1 137 mPlatforms - total edge length
Exceptional Nature of Project
Projekt zahrnoval i realizaci zabezpečovacího zařízení, informačního systému, diagnostických zařízení, protipožární signalizace a kamerových a přenosových systémů.