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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

MVE Želiezovce

Other Civil Engineering Works
Želiezovce, Slovensko

Vodní dílo na řece Hron je navržené jako víceúčelová stavba. Plní funkci vodohospodářskou, energetickou, environmentální a sociální. 

Basic information

Project Investor:

Hydroenergia s.r.o.

Project Designer:


Project Duration:

07/2014 – 08/2016

MVE Želiezovce


This waterworks on the Hron River is designed as a multipurpose structure. It performs water management, energy, environmental and social functions.
The main function is the production of electricity in the SHP of 15,200,653 kWh per year.

Project in numbers

  • 3 920 kW
    Maximum power of the technological equipment
  • river km 35,750 až 39,525
    water flow adjustment in this section
  • 2 horizontal Kaplan turbines
    SHP building
  • 2 x 1,4 MW
    Installed power
  • 13,5 GWh
    Expected production

Exceptionality of the structure

A multipurpose structure that performs water management, energy, environmental and social functions. Its main function is the production of electricity. A biocorridor is an integral part, namely the fish ladder in the dividing pillar between the fascine and the SHP.


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