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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

Regional Waste Treatment Centre

Other Civil Engineering Works
Vintířov, Czech Republic

The project will allow sorting and subsequent utilization of waste from the whole Karlovy Vary region.

Basic information

Project Investor:

Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a.s.

Project Designer:


Project Duration:

07/2015 – 03/2017

Regional Waste Treatment Centre


The project will allow sorting and subsequent utilization of waste from the whole Karlovy Vary region. It is created in the area of the former dump between Vintířov and Vřesová. The centre project includes mechanical-biological waste treatment technology supplemented with granulation. The final product of the centre will be granulated material that will be suitable for further treatment. The structure will use proven technologies, whether it is domestic crushers or granulation technology from Germany, where they have many years of experience with similar projects.

Project in numbers

  • 60,000
    Waste capacity/year

Exceptionality of the structure

The waste treatment centre technology will be largely automated, but it will still allow for the creation of dozens of new jobs, and moreover jobs with a long-term perspective.


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