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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

Hadovitá Residence

Residential construction

Architecturally successful apartment building, which nicely fits into the given location and which is one of the first projects that has created a sought-after residential locality from the so far relatively run-down Michle area.

Basic information

Project Investor:

Metrostav Development

Project Designer:

Arx Studio

Project Duration:

07/2017 – 01/2019

Hadovitá Residence

Project in numbers

  • 76
    Apartments and parking spots
  • 5
    Above-ground floors
  • 3
    Underground floors
  • 3
    Ground plan section
  • 200 m2
    Green roof area
  • 18
    Newly planted trees


Architecturally successful apartment building, which nicely fits into the given location and which is one of the first projects that has created a sought-after residential locality from the so far relatively run-down Michle area.

Building exceptionality

Complexity of the work lies in the building location on a difficult, two-directionally sloping property. The construction pit at its deepest point was over three stories deep. Moreover, there was almost no free space around the erected building. It was difficult for the builders to build the building for a fixed price (in accordance with the given building permit documentation) in compliance with the corresponding Design & Build model. They were thus responsible for the implementation project with all the risk that arise from the given very detailed project and the problems that arose during the construction process. At the same time, they were also responsible to the investor for the final building approval and all administrative acts, which precede it.


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