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Centrála společnostiKoželužská 2450/4, Praha 8

Municipal swimming hall Louny

Commercial construction

The project included the construction of a swimming hall with swimming pools, water slide, whirlpool, wellness and gym.

Basic information

Project Investor:

Město Louny

Project Designer:

DK architekti s.r.o.

Project Duration:

11/2018 – 06/2020

Municipal swimming hall Louny


The contract also included the demolition of the existing retaining wall with a staircase and the construction of a car park for visitors' vehicles. The contract included the implementation of a reinforced concrete monolithic structure, ALU bond facade, glazed facade, technical health installations, central heating, electrical and MaR, truss construction (glued trusses), HVAC, tiles, pool technology, wellness technology, water slide and interior equipment.

The Project in Numbers

  • 2 056 m2
    Built-up area
  • 17 282 m2
    Built-up space
  • 500 m2
    Water area

Exceptional Nature of Project

The project has been nominated for the Building of the Year 2021 award.


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