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Excavating shield with a cutter

Ingenuity is a quality inherent to Czechs, which they have demonstrated countless times by producing a plethora of technical devices. It is therefore not surprising that since the very first excavations by non-mechanized shields, which were extremely laborious for the workers involved, engineers have thought long and hard about how to make the work as easy as possible by reducing human labour and replacing it with machines. The cooperation of thirty companies and organizations led by Metrostav gradually began to bear fruit in the form of a final product in Metrostav's assembly workshops - the first subway tunnel shield constructed in Czechoslovakia.
After testing, the shield was moved in parts in March 1985 from the workshops to an assembly chamber with a diameter of 7.8 m and a length of 10 m, with a connecting track tunnel. Its deployment was planned for the left line tunnel of Line B from Florenc station to Křižíkova station. The parts were lowered into the shaft at the connection of lines B and C, and it was through this connection that the parts were transported to the assembly chamber.

On 15 June 1985 the basic assembly was completed and comprehensive functional tests were started. Less than a month later, the actual excavation began, during which the forward shield was supplemented by a hanger containing, for instance, a transformer platform and a lute pull assembly platform. The first 6 metres of the tunnel were reinforced with cast iron segments and the next part with a reinforced concrete lining according to the design.
In October 1985, excavation continued in the form of comprehensive functional tests under load with simultaneous training of the crews. It is recorded that a total of 94 changes and additions were made to the shield complex during the trial operation.

Facts in numbers
- 30domestic companies participated in the construction of the shield
- 164yards in a month was the best performance ever achieved
- 1985the year the shield and cutter were first deployed
What did the first Czechoslovak tunnelling shield actually look like? It was a shield with a cutter, which is why it came to be called RŠF-1. The SčN-1S body was used as the shield, from which the inner bulkheads were removed and replaced by a massive lower bulkhead serving as a support bridge for the cutter, lining stacker, and work platform. A sealing ring was inserted at the rear of the shield to both support the push rollers and spread their force effects on the lining to seal the intermediate rings during the filling grouting. The rubble was carried out of the shield by a rack conveyor onto a conveyor belt, which was further conveyed to the filling station into monorail carriages. In addition to other technologies, the hanger was equipped with a conveyor groove to move the lining components to the paver.

The RŠF-1 shield achieved an average monthly distance of 79.92 m on the excavated sections of Line B, with a monthly peak of 164 m, the highest-ever performance. Other shields of Czechoslovak origin were also being developed. The plan was to build the RŠF-2 shield, which, according to the plans of the time, was to be "supplemented with other new ideas so that it would be built to achieve an average monthly output of 120-140 m, with a maximum of 200 m ". However, it was never produced. Our country in the heart of Europe went through a change of political system and, in short succession, a breakup, and from the mid-1990s onwards the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) found its place in the limelight.

This text was compiled from the following sources:
magazine Tunel číslo 1, ITA-AITES 2023
book Praha a metro, Evžen Kyllar a kol., gallery, 2004
book Podzemní stavitelství v České republice, Jiří Barták a kol., Satra, spol. s r. o., 2007
book Metro metropole, František Laudát a kol., Inženýring dopravních staveb, a. s., 2016