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Ring method

The use of cut-and-cover tunnels and excavated tunnels, i.e. built by excavation into the rock without removing its overburden, was inevitable on the first operational section of Line C (between the Florenc and Kačerov stations).
The second half of the 1960s saw the Czech tunnelling industry in an intermediate period. The long period of so-called classical tunnelling methods was coming to an end. Technologically, these methods had already been surpassed and were not suitable for efficient tunnelling in dense urban areas. This made it necessary to learn new methods. In line with the political orientation towards the Soviet Union at the time, the technological orientation was also the same. Two methods were chosen for the first tunnels of the Prague underground - non-mechanized tunnelling and the ring method.

It was the ring method, which was nicknamed the "Prague method" in the literature, that became the dominant method on the Prague underground from the 1960s to the first half of the 1990s. Not only the line tunnels, but also the station and escalator tunnels were constructed using it.
A prerequisite for the use of the ring method is a geological environment in which the stability of the free excavation for the length of the advance is sufficient to allow the lining to be installed in time. Prague´s geology offered just such an environment. The advance - usually to a length of 1 m - was carried out by blasting. After the broken rock was removed, a partial circular reinforced concrete or cast iron lining was installed in the open space. The individual parts, once assembled, formed rings, which gave the name to the whole method. In order for the ring lining to be structurally functional in the rock excavation, it had to be activated with the surrounding geological environment by grouting.
The ring lining is the final lining and must be sufficiently load-bearing and watertight. The segments are bolted together within the rings and spatially arranged in a bond. The watertightness of the joints is ensured by inserted elements. The line tunnel segments are not lined in any way and the engine drivers are thus given a stark view of the tunnel as it was built more than half a century ago.
The characteristic tunnelling machine was the 'erector'. This was a mobile platform from which the boring work on the face was carried out. After drilling, the rock was broken to a length of about 1 m by means of explosives. The blasted rock was loaded by a rail loader into the narrow-track groove carriages. A ring of segments was built into the drilled area using a stacker. Behind the erector platform was a grouting platform from which the space between the rock and the ring lining was grouted. The purpose of the grouting was to fix the tunnel lining rings in the excavation.

There were several types of erectors - station, track, and escalator. This is because each of the tunnels had different dimensions. All were circular in cross-section, but the track tunnel had an excavation diameter of 5.8 m, the station tunnel 7.5 - 9.5 m and the escalator tunnel 7 m. The first erectors were imported from the Soviet Union, but gradually began to be produced by local companies - as early as the end of the 1960s by the national enterprise Výstavba kamenouhelných doly Kladno, and later by Metrostav, which developed an erector of its own design.

Facts in numbers
- 10Number of segments comprising one ring of lining
- 42 mMonthly progress of minting by the ring method in 1974
- 5,3 tWeight of the ring tunnel lining made of cast iron segments 1 m wide

This text was compiled from the following sources:
book Praha a metro, Evžen Kyllar a kol., gallery, 2004
book Podzemní stavitelství v České republice, Jiří Barták a kol., Satra spol. s r.o., 2007
book Metro metropole, František Laudát a kol., Inženýring dopravních staveb a.s., 2016